
Duke nukem 3d speed run
Duke nukem 3d speed run

John who was the voice of Duke in Duke Nukem 3D He was the author of the original theme “Grabbag” and sound designer for Duke Nukem 3D

  • “Come Get Some!” – Lee Jackson has composed new music for the game.
  • “Hail to the King, Baby!” – New episode with eight original levels created by Allen Blum III and Richard “Levelord” Gray – the original designers of Duke Nukem 3D.
  • duke nukem 3d speed run

    The game will include the original Duke Nukem 3D from 1996, plus new content and features. It resonated with me because I was super into trying the fastest times possible for each fight as a teenager on my scale.Gearbox Publishing has announced that Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour will be released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Duke Nukem 3D. I actually found out about the speedrunning history of that game via Salt, by that time I had grasped the franchise but didn't know how hot it actually was in some very dedicated circles. I've never played the other remakes or ports. Kind of as though they had remade it for something like Super Mario All Stars.

    duke nukem 3d speed run

    From what I've seen the original Punch-Out and Super Punch-Out essentially play the exact same, just with fancier graphics on the SNES and the NES version looks like it's harder (I never played it I don't think).

    duke nukem 3d speed run

    No Internet at the time to tell me that it really wasn't some obscure game, I would just genuinely enjoy it for what it was and didn't even have a reason to care for hype. Oh I know, back when I was into Super Punch-Out I wasn't even aware there was a franchise and a predecessor to be honest, originally it was just that one random cartridge my uncle had laying around and he sucked at the game so he didn't like it ended up trading him another cartridge of a super shitty game for his kids (can't remember which one) for it, everybody was happy.

    Duke nukem 3d speed run